Research Article
Fable Text Teaching Materials in Increasing Reading Interest of Elementary School Students
Syiffa Hasna Chaerunnisa,
Suherli Kusmana*
Jaja Wilsa
Volume 13, Issue 2, June 2024
27 February 2024
23 March 2024
2 April 2024
Abstract: This research aims to overcome the low interest in reading in elementary school students. The effort made is to develop teaching materials in the form of reading fable texts which can increase students' interest in reading. Fable texts are animal stories that children really like. Teaching materials presented digitally are very popular with millennial children. It is hoped that the development of this teaching material can provide a solution to several problems with interest in reading in schools, namely students' low interest in reading, understanding the moral message of fable texts which is neglected, and limited reading books for fable texts in schools. This research uses the Research and Development (RnD) method which consists of preliminary studies, product development and trials. The results of expert validation show that the teaching materials developed meet the content validity criteria as teaching materials suitable for use in elementary schools. Based on the analysis of the trial results, it is known that the teaching materials are included in the Very Good (suitable) category in increasing elementary school students' interest in reading. Teachers can use moral value messages from fable texts as affective learning and character education for students. Digital teaching materials for fable texts developed can be used by schools to increase students' interest in reading, especially new students.
Abstract: This research aims to overcome the low interest in reading in elementary school students. The effort made is to develop teaching materials in the form of reading fable texts which can increase students' interest in reading. Fable texts are animal stories that children really like. Teaching materials presented digitally are very popular with millenn...
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Research Article
SMOG (Simple Measure of Goobledygook) Readibility Index in Selecting Reading Materials and Reading Literacy Skills of Primary School Student
Nida Azhari Dalillah,
Febry Ismayanti,
Ersa Fanniyah Azzahra,
Suherli Kusmana*
Ira Rahayu
Volume 13, Issue 2, June 2024
27 April 2024
14 May 2024
30 May 2024
Abstract: Reading materials for elementary school students generally do not have readability in accordance with the measurement results so that the literacy level of students is low, as shown by the survey results from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization which noted that the literacy level of Indonesian society was only 0.001 percent. Therefore, it is necessary to measure readability so that the material in books used in learning is in accordance with the age level of readers and can be understood by students. With these conditions, this study aims to overcome the problem of reading materials in elementary schools that are not in accordance with their readability so that they do not support efforts to develop reading literacy. Reading materials in elementary schools need to be measured through a readability measurement in order to know the suitability of readability with the age of the reader. One of the formulas that can be used to measure readability is the SMOG formula (Simple Measure of Goobledygook), this formula is simpler because it does not use graphs only considers the number of sentences and difficult words. This research uses quantitative methods in the process of measuring and collecting data. The research instruments used text readability measurement, text comprehension instrument questionnaire, literacy measurement and student reading habit questionnaire. Based on the results of the linear regression test, there is a relationship between the results of the readability measurement and the results of the student comprehension measurement of 0.688. The positive correlation shows that the higher the score value of the readability measurement results, the lower the students' understanding of the reading. The results show that reading books used in elementary schools have a high readability index value, so that it can reduce students' understanding of reading materials used in learning.
Abstract: Reading materials for elementary school students generally do not have readability in accordance with the measurement results so that the literacy level of students is low, as shown by the survey results from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization which noted that the literacy level of Indonesian society was only 0.001...
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